Hey there! If something on my site looks broken, it’s because I’m experimenting with different block themes. This one is Kanso.

The Guten-Report: WordCamp Portland, ME 2018

Today was WordCamp Portland, ME. There were around 150 attendees that attended this one day WordCamp, and was packed with great sessions.

One time slot was occupied by a panel discussion about Gutenberg where the panel fielded questions from the crowd about the new editing experience. The attendees at this camp represented a good mix of the different types of WordPress users. Attendees were also able to anonymously submit their questions.

I thought this was a great opportunity to take the pulse of the WordPress community.

The panel was moderated by Sam Hotchkiss. These following people were on the panel:

Below is every question that was asked during this session.

  • When you are talking to your clients, do you tell them about Gutenberg, and what you are going to need to do?
  • What do you think the biggest hurdles to adoption are going to be?
  • How comfortable or uncomfortable are you with the short release timeline? How is this affecting your rollout plans?
  • After the introduction, is there a certain overall timeline for adding functionality? Are you talking years? Or less?
  • Gutenberg pushes itself to the top of the page. Is there a way currently, or do you see a way to push this down and add tabs at the top of the screen?
  • How do you see Gutenberg affecting current page builders?
  • Do you see the future of Gutenberg as a full featured drag and drop theme builder?
  • After 5.0, how long do you think that the Classic Editor plugin will be supported?
  • Can you just not update to WordPress 5.0 and keep running the 4.9 branch of WordPress indefinitely?
  • How concerned are you about the lack of parity between Gutenberg and the Classic Editor?
  • What are the pieces you are the most nervous about with Gutenberg rolling out?
  • What are the pieces you are the most excited about with Gutenberg rolling out?
  • What is the current state of Gutenberg in mobile?
  • What resources would you recommend to someone that wants to get started in Gutenberg development?

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