Category: Development

  • WordPress and PHP 8.0

    WordPress and PHP 8.0

    For several weeks, I have been working with numerous WordPress contributors to fix and document compatibility issues with the upcoming release of PHP 8. Today, the guide was finally published. Head on over and read up on what you need to be aware of, and how you can update your code to also be compatible!…

  • Introducing GitHub Actions for Automated Testing

    Introducing GitHub Actions for Automated Testing

    GitHub Actions allows us to automate software workflows directly in GitHub, triggered by GitHub events. By switching, we are able to take advantage of a unified interface, inline annotations for linting issues in pull requests, the broader open source ecosystem building and using Actions including existing work in Gutenberg, and free availability for public repositories.

  • Themes field guide: WordPress 5.5

    Themes field guide: WordPress 5.5

    WordPress 5.5 will contain several changes to existing features that will directly impact themes. This theme specific field guide details a few changes and also links several that were previously published separately.

  • Miscellaneous Developer Focused Changes in WordPress 5.5

    Miscellaneous Developer Focused Changes in WordPress 5.5

    WordPress 5.5 comes with a number of small developer-focused changes. Here’s a summary of what you can expect.

  • Dashicons in WordPress 5.5 (the final update)

    Dashicons in WordPress 5.5 (the final update)

    In the final Dashicons update being included in the 5.5 release, 65 new icons have been added. This includes 26 icons that were merged into the icon font that already existed in the block editor.

  • PHP related improvements & changes: WordPress 5.5 edition

    As part of an ongoing effort to improve compatibility across all supported versions of PHP (currently 5.6.20–7.4), several tooling additions and improvements have been made during the 5.5 cycle. A large handful of changes were made to address the findings from these tools. Here are some that you need to be aware of.

  • External Library updates in WordPress 5.5: call for testing

    WordPress 5.5 is currently slated to bring some long awaited updates to a handful of external libraries bundled with Core. A few of the updates are particularly large, and while backwards compatibility measures were taken, they could potentially require adjustments to plugins, themes, and custom code. For that reason, this developer note also doubles as…

  • Associating GitHub accounts with profiles

    Associating GitHub accounts with profiles

    In recent releases, the process of collecting props for contributions (namely Gutenberg) has been highly manual and error prone, occasionally resulting in contributors not receiving proper credit. Connecting your and GitHub accounts will allow automatic tooling to be built which reduces the burden on release teams to maintain a credit list.

  • Working on Trac Tickets Using GitHub Pull Requests

    Working on Trac Tickets Using GitHub Pull Requests

    Starting today, an experimental feature has been added to Trac that will let you link GitHub pull requests opened against the official WordPress Develop Git mirror to tickets. This makes GitHub contributions more visible directly in their related Trac tickets and makes collaborating across the two repositories easier.

  • Trouble Connecting to Database When Using MySQL 8.x

    Recently, I created an issue on the WP-CLI’s entity command repository to introduce a wp site generate command to allow for multisite installs to be easily populated for testing purposes. I decided to set up a local WP-CLI sandbox on my machine (not within a virtual machine) so I can more easily and consistently contribute…