Category: Code Snippets

  • vvv-custom.yml Files – A Look Inside Mine

    Update 5/18/18: Added entries for 4.8 and 4.9. Also, configure the highest version of PHP officially supported for each version.Update 6/9/17: Added entry for 4.7. With version 2.0 released of the Varying Vagrant Vagrants project, it is now much easier to configure your local VVV environment to your liking. Adding additional sites that are created and configured with a…

  • Removing large files when using git-svn to migrate repositories

    Today I was migrating SVN repositories over to GIT using BU’s svn2git utility. I came across one repository that GitHub would not allow me to push because it contained a file that was over 100MB. After some investigation, I realized that the file it specified was only 25KB. However, at some point in its history it was over 100MB,…

  • WordPress Theme Customizer Guide

    In WordPress 3.4, a feature called the Theme Customizer was introduced. This is a great guide that breaks down adding support for this feature to your themes. The WordPress Theme Customizer: a Comprehensive Developer’s Guide